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Can a Woman Do Skipping During Pregnancy?



Can a Woman Do Skipping During Pregnancy? 

The body goes through numerous changes during pregnancy. Physical changes accompany the more noticeable mental and hormonal shifts. Someone pointed out that weight gain is a common pregnancy symptom and an essential part of a healthy pregnancy. However, doctors often recommend exercise to keep the body ready for labour. Some physical activities are safe and healthy for pregnant women, while others might cause serious problems. 


So, which category does skipping fit into? 

Is it safe to forego prenatal care or not? Which physical activities should expectant mothers avoid? Learn and experiment with what is healthy for you.

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Skipping During Pregnancy – Is It OK?

To answer both in affirmative and negatively to the question is skipping good for ladies, it depends to a large extent on the strength of your body. A body that is accustomed to heavy exercise and workout regimen will be able to sustain itself from moderate jumping during pregnancy. But anybody who is new to exercise and workouts, should not take up skipping during pregnancy

You should never try your jumping rope during the first trimester and you should always avoid all sorts of exercise during this phase and instead go for safe workouts. But that isn’t the case during the second trimester as it is considered the best time period in the entire pregnancy phase to do some very moderate skipping. This phase permits your jumping and skipping. You can change the way you jump by crossing one leg in front of the other instead of putting both feet on the ground simultaneously. There will be less shaking and great steadiness, which is a must at this stage of pregnancy. 

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Skipping serves as a total body exercise. It’s great for building muscles in your legs, glutes, and pelvic floor. Skipping throughout pregnancy may help you put yourself in shape for labour and recovery if you do it under medical supervision in the right way. Here is a word of caution, the error potential is quite high at this stage. So, always do it under strict medical supervision. 


Dangers of Skipping During Pregnancy

Skipping is beneficial during pregnancy to a certain amount but it should be done to a moderate degree. Fatigue, huffing, contraction and cramps are among the side effects of skipping during pregnancy. Even if you can skip in moderation during pregnancy, you should never try it during the third trimester. The centre of gravity changes (moves forward) when you put on weight in the belly region because of which you may lose your balance. The side effects of skipping in females during pregnancy are as discussed below -  

1. Miscarriage Risk Rises

Intense jumping activities during the first three months of the pregnancy result in uterine contractions leading to miscarriages. And, if you are in the later part of your pregnancy, and you slip and fall by mistake, then you and your unborn child are in grave danger from a fall while jumping. 


As skipping exercise has side effects, premature uterine contractions may happen which in turn may result in miscarriage brought about by excessive jumping from skipping. And, by any chance, if you fall, then it can cause severe harm to you and your unborn baby during the last trimester of your pregnancy.  


2. Possibility of Ligament Rupture  

Pregnancy releases the relaxin hormone from the body during pregnancy as per the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The function of this hormone is to relax the ligaments around the pelvic region so that the growing uterus can be accommodated. As a result of this, the joints are deprived of the support that they usually receive from these ligaments at this phase. 

These ligaments may face injuries if you try skipping while pregnant. It results from the excessive jumping that skipping demands. It may lead to contractions that may ultimately tear away the placenta from the uterine wall. This condition is called placental abruption. This condition gives rise to severe back pain and vaginal bleeding that needs immediate medical attention.  


4. Possibility of Inducing Premature Labour

If you attempt skipping during the third trimester, it may result in premature labour and falls within the disadvantages of jumping rope. Moreover, the cervix will have to endure an unbelievable amount of pressure from the growing and heavy uterus. The friction between the cervix and the uterus may induce preterm labour.  

5. Loss of Water from The Body

As you will definitely admit that skipping during pregnancy is quite strenuous and you perspire a lot while doing it, it may leave your baby severely dehydrated. You must remain fully hydrated all throughout your pregnancy and dehydration is bad news for you.

Tips for Rope Jumping While Expecting a Child

How about skipping while trying to conceive? Is there any way to securely jump rope? The answer is yes. Mild skipping is safe during pregnancy if done honestly and with minimal safeguards. Listed below are some suggestions:

  • You should start by purchasing a jump rope, a well-fitting sports bra and a strong, comfy pair of trainers.

  • The next step is to find a flat area inside your house. You shouldn't skip if there are any obstacles in your path.

  • First, make a 90-degree angle with your forearms and maintain your elbows close to your sides.

  • Hold the jumping rope with a soft but secure grasp.

  • Now, let your shoulders drop and your arms slacken.

  • Always put a little distance between your feet.

  • Hold your stomach in and your shoulders over your hips while you do this.

  • Now, with the rope under your front leg, begin to jump.

  • Ten minutes is all you need before you should take a break.

  • You can also relax after every 20–50 hops. It all depends on the strength of your physical foundation.

  • Avoid high jumps and excessive activity to ward off the harmful effects of skipping rope, both of which can tire out your infant.


Go ahead and try the skipping rope during pregnancy according to your comfort level and as per your gynaecologist’s advice. The “feel good factor” of yours is enhanced through exercises due to the release of endorphins that ease all the bodily pains and stress. You can carry out a little bit of skipping after delivery by following the steps mentioned above but before that, you should and must consult your gynaecologist before you attempt it. Doing extensive research is skipping good for girls before setting your daughter on that sport.

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