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What Are the Side-Effects of Skipping in Females?

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What Are the Side-Effects of Skipping in Females? 

Skipping rope is a great exercise to strengthen your core, lose excess fat and become fit. This one simple form of exercise involves all the body parts and hence you will lose weight rapidly. We have seen both men and women practising skipping rope at home and in the gyms. But is skipping good for ladies


As skipping is a kind of high-intensity workout and it really puts a lot of pressure on the body muscles, women might get some side effects from this exercise too. There are a lot of women who are advised not to undergo such exercises. Let's discuss further about the side effects of skipping in females.

Disadvantages or Side Effects of Skipping Rope in Females         

Women love to be in perfect shape always and they try different methods to achieve their goals. A lot of women even do workouts like skipping to shred that excess skin from their bodies and look good. But it is not necessary that your body is completely okay with this kind of high-intensity workout regimen. In Fact, a lot of side effects of skipping in females can happen.

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Period pain could be very intense for some females. Some of the women feel severe cramps and abdominal pain during these days. Also, you may feel like throwing up, dizziness, weakness etc. and a lot of other symptoms will be found. Skipping rope exercise side effects may happen if you also have similar symptoms during periods. Your period symptoms could even become worse. You might experience heavier menstruation flow than normal, increased amount of pain, and unusual cramps than normal due to skipping rope exercises during periods. The side effects might vary from person to person and the scenario is also not the same for every woman.  


One of the major side effects of skipping in women is that it can harm your pregnancy. You should not at all practice jumping rope if you are pregnant. As skipping rope is a high-intensity workout, doing this can have many side effects during pregnancy. You can damage your ligaments located in the pelvic region which may affect the pregnancy. Your placenta may get separated from the uterine wall which might lead to vaginal bleeding and ultimately can affect your pregnancy. Skipping during pregnancy may lead to early labour and even the risk of miscarriages is there. So, if you are going to choose skipping rope exercise during pregnancy, you should first consult your doctor for advice. 

Is skipping good for girls who have breathing problems? The answer is no. During skipping exercise your breathing passage becomes narrow and you might feel breathing shortness. Girls who already have asthma or any other severe breathing disease can face difficulty breathing while doing skipping rope exercises or after the exercise. Their condition will only worsen. 

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Skipping exercise side effects are also found in those women who are suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis or any other bone disease. Skipping exercise puts a lot of pressure on joints, bones, muscles etc. So if you have any bone injury or you are suffering from arthritis or osteoporosis or a similar kind of bone disease, your doctor will surely advise you to stay away from skipping rope exercise as it will only worsen your health. 


Another bad effect of skipping rope on women is it can give you saggy breasts. The situation could be even worse for those who have heavy breasts. Female breasts are delicate and it is only supported through Cooper's ligament and the skin. When you do skipping, you have to jump vigorously which in turn will pull the Cooper's ligament and the supporting skin, resulting in a saggy breast. It is always advisable to wear strongly supportive sports gear that can provide necessary tenderness during skipping and any high-intensity workout. 


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Answer: Someone accustomed to daily heavy exercises may not find it very difficult moderately jump or skip. But newcomers to exercises should stay away from skipping because the result can be disastrous! Read More

The next harmful effect of skipping rope on women is it can give you joint pain. Skipping rope can put a lot of pressure on your joints as you have to jump so much on your toes. Those who already have joint pain should avoid this exercise. It will increase your pain only. Also, women have less calcium in their bones than men which means that they are more prone to joint problems than men. So, if you are facing any joint pain or similar issues, you should always consult your doctor before doing skipping rope exercises for fitness.

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The next side effect of skipping in females which we will talk about is this exercise can harm your uterus. Women who have uterine prolapse or a similar type of disease that has a direct connection with the ligaments of the uterus should completely avoid doing such activities. Our uterus is supported with strong ligaments and those who have uterine prolapse don't have such tender ligaments to hold the uterus in proper position. If you are also one of those who have uterine prolapse due to multiple pregnancies, strain in the uterus, estrogen loss etc. you should also avoid skipping rope as it may have deep side effects on the weak ligaments of the uterus.

Skipping exercise disadvantages also include muscle pain and strain in women. Improper jumping technique or excessive skipping workout can give you strain and muscle pain. Some cramps and strain might get serious too. So, always take expert advice before doing the exercise and follow the proper technique of skipping to avoid the risk. 



Apart from the above disadvantages of jumping rope, women with heart conditions, high blood pressure and any kind of severe illness should always avoid skipping exercise. Skipping is a great exercise but consequences are also there if your body is not fit enough to do it. Also, if you do moderate skipping, there is a chance to avoid the side effects of this exercise but you should always consult your doctor and take expert advice before doing so.

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